Sage Pastel • Check that tax box layout!

Sage Pastel • Check that tax box layout!

Check the tax box layout

Pastel Box Layout

Have a look at the following two pictures.

This is the Percentages screen…
Sage Pastel VAT 15% errors

This screen shows you the new numbers, that contain the new tax types for the 15% VAT for April 2018 onwards.

(You will notice the new 15% Tax Types have been created on row 15, if this row is not available, the system will check row 20, 25, 30 and 35 until there are 7 consecutive rows available.)

You cannot use any of the numbers 01 to 13 ever again.

Now look at the next picture.
These show Columns 14 through to 22.

This is the box layout… this box layout is telling Pastel whether the entry should be input or output tax, or 0-rated or capital gains etc.
Sage Pastel VAT 15% errors

The top picture for Line 14 must show the numbers as per picture 2 for column 14. And so on… Line 15, must tally up with column 15.

If your Box layout has different line numbers compared to the percentages box grid, you are going to need to change them to match up.

There will always be a debit and credit for payments,
And a debit and credit for the receipts side of the cash books.
(because as you know you can do a debit or credit on each side of the cash book.)
And then a debit and credit for each journal.

If your Pastel is from a old version, over the years there might have been many changes made to the box layout, which is totally understandable.

Or your Pastel setup was manually created by someone who didn’t use the setup assistant, and therefor it does not look like the generic Pastel box layout.

You may even find that the box layout is totally empty and you need to enter the numbers yourself.

ALSO… scroll down to the bottom of the box layout screen and see if any new /cash books/journals were added over the years that are newer and have no numbers in them.

You are going to need to populate them.
I use the demo companies box layout, as a referal, to understand what numbers go into each column.
I make sure that each journal type matches the demo company.


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