Sage Pastel • BOM Reporting in Multi Stores

Sage Pastel • BOM Reporting in Multi Stores

Reporting in Manufacturing with the Multi Stores activated
BOM Reporting in Multi Stores

View… Inventory…

Once you use the multi stores module in your system, you will then have the option to select stores in all the different inventory reports.

Multi store module reports

The specific reports for the multi store module can be printed or run from

Report 01 View… Inventory… Inter store Transfer

– Print Transfer Documents
– Transfer Reports

Report 02 View… Inventory…

Once you use the multi stores module in your system, you will then have the option to select stores in all the different inventory reports.

Report 03 View… Inventory… Inventory/Cross-tab

You must remember that all of the zoom screens that show a quantity on hand show a value for all the stores together, not individual stores.

If you get a message stating that you do not have enough stock on hand in a particular store, you can check across all the stores to see what can be invoiced from.

Comments ( 2 )

  • Mrs. Erika Bornman

    Good day, we have a small company (using pastel express), but with BIG company needs. We every so often need to invoice a product that consists of more than one component. Express does not have a Bills of material component. Can I simply invoice the composed product at X-rand value, and then list the components on the invoice (to get them out of the inventory) with a zero value? Or do I need to do a journal entry to get them out of the system? HOW? Can you please assist me, I am desperate!!

    • Good day Mrs. Erika Bornman
      I will try to answer you now.
      Is there a reason you are using Xpress? And not using Partner?
      Can you upgrade?

      If you can’t then this is my temporary solve for you.

      You need to create an item that will be the final product that you are going to sell first.
      A brand new item.
      Nothing to do with the others you sell singly.

      Then you need to go into your inventory journal and remove those items with the quantities (that are needed to create the final product) called the ‘raw materials”
      These you will note when they go into the OUT column get taken out of stock, will have a value.
      Of its “10 items” you take out of stock, Add these up in a grand total.

      Put a new line in with your new product that will be the grand total cost value of the brand new item.

      And use this new code on your invoice, with a markup on it based on your cost price as noted above.

      Should work

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