Sage Pastel • Overview of The Heartbleed Bug Virus

Sage Pastel • Overview of The Heartbleed Bug Virus

Overview of The Heartbleed Bug

The Heartbleed Bug Virus

The “heartbleed bug” is the name that has been given to a security flaw in OpenSSL, a popular data encryption standard, that gives hackers the ability to extract massive amounts of data from the services that we use every day and assume are mostly secure.

What is OpenSSL ?

This is the open-source encryption standard used by the majority of websites that need to transmit the data that users want to keep secure. Otherwise known as OpenSSL cryptographic software library.

Web servers keep lots of information including usernames, passwords, and even the content that users have uploaded to a service. And OpenSSL is the encryption that is meant to protect this information.

But the heartbleed bug flaw has made it possible for hackers to steal encryption keys. Hackers can intercept encrypted data moving to and from a site’s servers and read it without establishing a secure connection.

How has Pastel secured your data ?

Currently Sage One does not make use of this library, so by default are not affected by the vulnerability.

However as a proactive precaution they have run several testing tools to verify that their site and your data is protected.  In addition, their aggressive firewall adds another level of protection to users.

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