Sage Pastel • emailing… A program is attempting to send

Sage Pastel • emailing… A program is attempting to send

Pastel emailing… A program is attempting to send

Outlook Security Program

Do you get this annoying message when you’re launching your email merge, address book search, email notification program or a smartphone synchronization tool?

The best way to stop this message popping up every time you try to send a email from your Pastel Partner or Xpress program is to install a little program called ClickYes.

ClickYes Pro is especially valuable for anyone who sends bulk e-mail to customers that use Outlook to send e-mail. Which means Pastel programs, I’m afraid.

You can get it directly from Context Magic the company who wrote this gem to stop Microsoft Outlook running this message before you send an email.

It can also be downloaded free on the internet from the following site…

I choose the cnet website as I know that the programs that they advertise are usually stable, and reliable without dodgy ticks clinging to the back of the application.

Don’t use any of the other sites, as they love to add spam to the download, and feel it is their responsibility to give you a load of new search engines you never asked for and never required in the FIRST PLACE!!.

Install this little application, and it will remain running in your system bar. Now you can send a bunch of emailed statements or invoices together without 1000 enters.

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